Story of a bhakta - Narahari - Part 2

The story of a bhakta – Narahari Sonar- Part 1 Narahari was steadfastly refusing to even visit the Vittala temple. While this a cause for anger and amusement for many, for Narahari it was a matter of irritation that the towns folk kept asking him to go to this temple. One day while Narahari was sitting in his shop, a merchant he knew from the neighbouring town came to Narahari. Narahari enquired about his family and other matters. The merchant then told Narahari that he had come to give him some gold work. He added “It is going to be a challenging task for you. One thing about Narahari was he was very proud of his skill. He also liked a challenge. Narahari eagerly replied “ Tell me. I have been doing too much of routine work. I want to do something challenging.” The merchant replied “As you know I remained child less for many years. I had prayed that if I get a child I shall make an offering. I want you to help me complete my offering.” Narahari was happy to get some chal...