DharmaVyadha and Kaushika


DharmaVyadha – Knowledge from any source

In Bharat, knowledge was a repository of everyone and one could learn from any person. The story of Dharma Vyadha is given as an example of this principle of being a seeker of knowledge irrespective of the source or the social status of the giver

This is the story narrated by Markandeya to Yudhistira. Kaushika was engaged in intense tapasya in the middle of the forest. The penance had been going on for many years and he had been at it without food and water. Intense tapasya by someone means that the said person has the ability to focus on things. This focus is very powerful and can cause intense heat and power.

Kausika was sitting under a tree reciting the Vedas. The excreta of the crane fell on Kausika  

Once he was sitting under a tree reciting vedas. A crane sitting on the tree left excreta on him from above the tree. Kausika who was immersed in his chanting looked up got irritated. He looked at the crane that was the culprit. As we said earlier, a tapasvi or someone who does strong and long meditation has a lot of powers.

When Kaushika looked at the crane with angry eyes, the heat from his eyes killed the crane which fell dead. Kaushika did not think much of it.

Thereafter, Kaushika went around the village begging for alms. He stood in front of a house. The lady of the house was doing some household work. Then her husband arrived and she got busy serving her husband. She came out after that and came to serve Kaushika. She said to Kaushika “Apologies brahman. I was busy with my household chores.”

Kaushika, who was by nature very short tempered, looked at her with a lot of anger. She looked at him and said with a smile “Brahman, don’t get angry with me. I did not keep you waiting intentionally. I was busy serving my husband. I am not a crane perched on a tree to be killed by a violent thought and your anger cannot harm me. I am a woman devoted to my husband.”

Kaushika was a bit shocked at her boldness. He was going to curse her, but she continued unafraid. “Brahmin, you need to understand that anger is the greatest enemy of men. You can do all the penance you want. If you are not able to control your anger you will not be able to get the benefits of your penance. Forgive the delay in my attending to you. You should go and seek out other teachers who can teach you basic virtues of anger control and calm mind.”

Kaushika was now truly taken aback. He never expected this from someone who he had estimated as just a household woman. Now he was truly humbled. He folded his hands in front of the woman and requested her to guide him to a good teacher who could teach him anger management and the focus on duty.

The lady took pity on Kaushika. She told him “Go to Mithila and get instructions from Dharmavyadha who lives in that city. He would be able to guide you on the various aspects of getting the benefits of your penance. The Brahmana was apologetic and he thanked the lady and went to Mithila to meet Dharmavyadha.

Reaching the beautiful city of Mithila, Kaushika searched for the Guru Dharmavyadha. He thought the teacher will be having his own gurukul. He searched all over the city but could not identify any gurukul. After search of many days, he finally got the identity of Dhamarvyadha.

To Kaushika’s surprise, he realised t

hat Dharmavyadha was actually a butcher. Kaushika was shocked and kept his distance as he was disgusted about learning anything from a butcher.

The butcher came to Kaushika and said “Revered sir, are you looking for me? Did the brahmin lady tell you to come to me for knowledge? Kaushika was stunned to receive that question from him. This is a second surprising thing to him to be received from him. The Butcher said, “Let us go to my home”. The Brahmana saw there a happy family and greatly struck by the devotion with which he served his parents. He took his lessons from that butcher on dharma, man’s calling and duty.

Kaushika came back and started paying attention to all his duties with humility and was not arrogant about his knowledge and prowess like earlier. He had earlier neglected some of his duties like serving his parents and now he was focused on all aspects of his duties.

This story narrates the importance of being humble and taking knowledge with humility and gratitude from any source.



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