Shiva the ultimate teacher
Once Sage Narada did a deep
penance for thousands of years. Lord Indra tried to disturb him as he was
worried that Narada was trying to take over the Devalok. Narada was committed
and successfully finished his tapasya. Narada became a arrogant that he
achieved what even Lord Shiva could not achieve. (Remember, Shiva got disturbed
by Manmatha when he was in meditation and angered by the disturbance burnt
The smug and arrogant Narada
wanted to show off. He first went to Shiva loka and boasted about his
completion of the tapasya despite many disturbances. Shiva looked at him and
smiled and said “Maybe. If you go to Vaikunta, do not talk about this to
Vishnu.” Narada then went to Brahmaloka and met his father Lord Brahma. He repeated
his boast to Lord Brahma too. Brahma closed his eyes and decided this arrogance
was also Lord Shiva’s doing. He again repeated “Son. Do not go and show off to
Lord Vishnu.” Now Narada was challenged. He decided to go to Vaikunta and do exactly
what he has been advised not to do.
He proceeded to Vaikunta. Lord
Vishnu, just by looking at Narada understood his state of mind and his
arrogance. He humbly got up and welcomed Narada. “Sage, it is indeed my good
time that a sage such as yourself came here. You are the store house of
all knowledge. How can anyone think of moving you from your path. You are
indeed great.”
Narada felt even
more proud and arrogant. He told Vishnu with false humility. ” If I have the
blessings of you and Lord Shivji, I am safe.” Vishnu understood that Lord Shiva
was playing this drama for some purpose. Narada took leave and left.
Lord Vishnu
created a beautiful world with his Maya into which Narada walked into when
wandering. The King of that country Silanidhi was preparing for the wedding of
his daughter Srimathy. He requested Narada to find a good groom for his daughter.
By now, Narada had become greedy and arrogant. He wanted to marry the beautiful
girl himself. But he wanted to make himself attractive for that girl.
Narada went back
to Vishnu and told him his desire. Vishnu did not remind him of his vow of
remaining a brahmachary. He smiled and said “Narada, you can have a form like
mine and the face of a Hari. “ Narada was happy. Here is the twist. The word Hari
also means monkey. As per this blessing, Narada had the beauty of Vishnu and
the face of a monkey. Unfortunately, Narada himself did not realize this.
Silanidhi was arranging
a wedding swayamvara for his daughter at that time. Swayamvara is a process where
all the people who want to marry the princess line up and the princess chooses
the person. Narada was sitting with his monkey face with the other princes.
Lord Shiva wanted to watch the fun and sent two of his assistants dressed as
princes to the swayamvara.
The Shiva Ganas
(assistants) started making fun of Narada and his face. Narada, who did not know
that he had a monkey face ignored them. The princess came and looked at
everyone but did not choose anyone. Narada was shocked that she did not select
him. Then he looked at himself and realised what happened. Without thinking
about his own behaviour, he directed his anger to the Shiva Ganas who were
sitting next to them. He cursed them to be born as rakshasas but with a Sage as
Lord Vishnu finally
decided to intervene. He removed the imaginary (Maya) kingdom, the king, the
princess and everything. Then he counselled Narada on why he was made to go
through that experience. He advised Narada to focus on Shiva mantra and meditation
to over come Maya. Lord Vishnu told Narada that his entire experience was a
lesson that Shiva wanted him to learn on humility. Vishnu also told him that
the two princes Narada cursed were only Shiva Ganas.
Narada took pity
on the Ganas and told them that they will both be born to a learned sage and
will be great devotees of Shiva. They will commit deeds as per their asura birth
but will get moksha when Lord Vishnu takes an avatar and kills them. Can you
guess who fits this description??
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