Seven seas come to Madurai
Seven seas come to Madurai
Madurai is an ancient city with
a lot of history, culture, religion and beliefs attached to it. With all this
can stories be far behind. Yes. It has many stories associated with it too.
Madurai was blessed like Kashi.
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati actually ruled the city as King Sundara Pandyan (Sundareswara)
and Queen Raja Mathangi (Meenakshi). Imagine a city ruled by the Divine couple.
It must have been a flourishing city where the people were happy, prosperous
and dharmic.
Even in regular courts, there
will be visitors who come to meet the king on various matters. Imagine if the
king is Lord Shiva himself. It meant that not only the citizens of the kingdom
and the city of Madurai met their divine king, but sages and others came to
meet the Lord and Devi to discuss many issues and problems. It was indeed a busy,
spiritual and blessed time in Madurai.
One day Sage Gautama came to see
the Lord to discuss a few matters. Having finished his work with Lord Sundareswara,
Gautama took the blessings of Devi Meenakshi too. The Devi told the sage “Rishi
Gautama, can you also meet my mother Queen Kanchanamala She had expressed a
desire to meet with you.” (Queen mother Kanchanamala was the mother of Devi
Meenakshi. Kanchanamala brought up the Devi Meenakshi as her daughter who was
born of the yagna fire.)
Gautama was very happy to do as
requested by the Devi. He went to the chambers of the Queen mother Kanchanamala.
The elderly queen was happy to discuss many philosophical matters and clear her
doubts on the scriptures. Queen Kanchanamala requested Sage Gautama to give her
knowledge of the various forms of worship.
Sage Gautama said “Lady. There
are three forms of worship – vachika, manasa and kayika. Vachika covers the
verbal form of worship where one can chant the various mantras for our deities.
Bhajans and kirtans can also be sung by those who are not familiar with the mantras.
Manasa is a form of worship wherein
the prayer is done silently, do dharmic activity, be kind and truthful and do charity.
Kayika form of worship is that form of worship where a devotee visits temples,
imbibes the energy, serve the Lord and take dips in holy rivers and theerthas.”
Hearing this advice,
Kanchanamala was moved. She said “Swami, I am too old. Please tell me which holy
theerthas I should visit?” Gautama took pity and said “ Mother, if you can have
a bath in the ocean. After all, the rivers and theerthas all flow into the
ocean. If you take a dip in the ocean, that is equal to taking a dip in the
rivers and theerthas.” Gautama then took leave and left.
Later the queen mother
Kanchanamala told her daughter Devi Meenakshi about her discussion and
expressed her desire to go to the ocean and take a holy dip. Devi Meenakshi,
although a Goddess, was worried to send her aged mother far away. She decided
to ask her Lord and King for a solution.
Devi Meenakshi went to
Sundareshwara and said “Lord , my mother wants to go to the ocean to take a
holy dip. She had a discussion with Gautama and wants to do as per his advice. She
is very old. How can we send her so far awar?”
Lord Sundareswara smiled and
said “Why should she go? We can call the sea here. But why one sea, we will
call all the seven seas.” The moment Lord Sundareswara uttered these words,
there was a loud roar and in the centre of the city a huge water body occurred with
heavy waves and churning waters. The citizens of Madurai got terrified looking
at the site and requested the Lord to save them. The seven oceans calmed down
at the command of the Lord.
Queen mother Kanchanamala and
the entire city of Madurai bathed in these waters and were blessed by the
divine couple.
Elukadal tank in Madurai
This is ofcourse in the Puranic
times. Interestingly there used to be a tank in Madurai city called Elukadal (seven
seas) tank. This was built in 1516 AD by a Vijayanagara kingdom officer called
Saluva Nayaka. This was renovated by Timmu Rauvttar who was the administrative
Generala of Chokkanata Nayak in 1564 AD.
Unfortunately the tank in disuse
today due to encroachments.
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