Madurai Meenakshi - A Cinderella moment
Madurai Meenakshi – A Cinderella
As children we were all wide
eyed when listening about the glass slippers of Cinderella story. But did you know
that there is a real-life occurrence in our own back yard in Bharat? Only difference
was here the miracle was performed first and the shoes came as a thank you
whereas in the Cinderella story the shoes were part of the magic.
When and where did this happen?
This happened in the early 19th century in Madurai. Madurai, like
the rest of the country was under the control of the British. Once there was a British
collector by the name of Peter Rous.
Peter, was the collector of Madurai
from 1812-1828. We need to understand that the many of the British officials in
those days were disrespectful of local traditions and customs. Peter was an
exception. One of his administrative responsibilities included managing the
temple activities. He was very sensitive to the local practices. While passing
the temple on his way to work, Peter would normally dismount and take off his
hat and foot wear, as a mark of respect to the Supreme Goddess and her consort –
Meenakshi and Sundareshwara – inside the temple.
Peter also did not interfere the
local customs and celebrations at the temple but did his best to be helpful. The
locals liked and respected him and gave him the name of Peter Pandian. This was
a term of admiration as the Pandyas were the erstwhile royal dynasty who ruled
It happened on a dark monsoon
night. The skie had opened and it had been raining non-stop. The locals and the
administration were trying to help people who were stranded and providing them
with food and shelter. Peter had been busy the whole day overseeing the arrangements.
He came back to his official residence tired and worn out and slept
The rains were now accompanied by thunder and lightning. The guards at Peter’s home were standing inside to avoid getting drenched. The time was well past midnight and there was only the sound of thunder and rain splashing on the glass windows of Peter’s residence.
Amidst this uproar, Peter heard
a faint tinkling. He was too exhausted and ignored it at first. The tinkling
grew steady. Before he could understand what was happening, a voice said “Peter,
get up. It’s time to go.” He ignored it first. The voice was persistent. Now it
was accompanied by someone nudging him to wake up. Peter got up dazed.
Through his sleepy eyes, he saw
a small girl. She was dressed in a silk skirt and was wearing beautiful
jewellery. She smiled at him and said “Let us go Peter.” It did not occur to
Peter to question the girl or to wonder why she was disturbing him in the night
and where she was taking him. He got up like in a trance and followed her.
As Peter was passing his guards,
he slowed down. The girl hurried him.” Come Peter, we have to go.” The guards
were surprised that someone, that too a small girl, was calling their master by
his name. Since he was following her, they did not intervene. The girl led him
towards the temple and just seem to dissolve into the closed doors of the
Peter was in a daze and slept the rest of the night in the outer corridor. Next day his staff came looking for him to find him outside the temple. They narrated that the old bungalow in which he stayed had collapsed in the rain the previous night and they just managed to escape. Peter had a vague memory of the girl holding him by his hand and leading him outside.
Peter was shocked. He could not
believe his blessing and the kindness of the Goddess. Peter immediately called a
meeting of the officials to talk to them about this incident to understand it
better. They too were astonished and concluded that it was the blessings of the
Goddess that had kept him alive. Even the priests were amazed that she chose to
personally lead him out of his home to a safe place.
Peter Rous wanted to show his
gratitude to the Supreme Goddess. All he remembered was the small girl who held
his hand was walking bare foot with an anklet. He told the temple officials he
wanted to give her shoes for her divine feet.
Accordingly, he made a bejewelled
shoes that adorn the feet of Goddess Meenakshi during her biggest annual
festival. Known as Peter Rous shoes, they are preserved till date. Peter spent
his life in Madurai even after retirement. His family still visits the temple
once a year from England.
It must have indeed been a
blessing to receive such abundant kindness from the Goddess.
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