The Shiva Run


It is a practice to visit many Shiva temples on the night of Shivarathri. This practice perhaps helps us in keeping awake while at the same time. There is an interesting story in the Mahabharata that is related to this.

The Kurukshetra war was over. The Pandavas after the initial period of depression and gloom over the death and destruction, started to enjoy the kingdom and the riches. Even though their victory was the result of blessings from the Gods and even with the help of the Gods, they had started to believe that they achieved it by their own prowess.

Pandavas continued to respect and venerate Lord Krishna, who was their cousin and their guide and mentor. They had forgotten to thank Lord Shiva who had given the Pashupata Asthra, a very powerful weapon. Arjuna did not use this very powerful weapon thanks to the constant help he got from Lord Krishna.

Lord Krishna observed the brothers getting arrogant and decided to teach them a quick lesson. Like every other lesson that Krishna teaches it had an element of mischief in it but also was aimed at giving a lesson to the world.

Lord Krishna got the royal priest to suggest to King Yudhishtira to hold a yagna. It was also suggested that the king to do the yagna with a rare component. After much debate, they decided that they will use the milk of a purusha mirugam (man animal) that gives milk. The priest said that the animal was devotee of Shiva and will stop when his name is mentioned and will start chasing if one mentioned Govinda.

Krishna told Bheema (who had become the most arrogant of the brothers as he had killed Duryodhana) for the task. Krishna told Bheema, “Bheema, take these 12 rudrakshas bead and go the spot I tell you inside the forest. Shout Govinda Govinda. The animal will show itself and start chasing you. Throw one of the rudraksha bead at the animal. The bead will turn into a Shivalinga. The animal will get mesmerized by the Shivalinga and start its prayers. Use that time to milk the animal. Once he finishes his prayers it will get angry again. Shout Govinda Govinda and start running. Run as much as you can and then throw the next rudraksha. Repeat the same till you finish all the 12 beads.”

Bheema did as he was told. He went into the forest and to that particular spot. He shouted 
Govinda Govinda and the beast revealed itself. As Krishna said, it started chasing Bheema. Bheema ran a distance and then threw the first rudraksha. The rudraksha turned into a linga. The animal stopped and Bheema started milking it. Once it finished its prayers, it again roared at Bheema. He again shouted Govinda Govinda and ran. The beast chased him and after running some distance and threw the next rudraksha.

This chase and prayer cycle continued. Bheema had used up all the rudraksha beads and he did not know what to do. The animal had by now finished its prayers of the 12th Shivalinga and turned towards him and started chasing him.

Bheema ran as fast as he could and finally reached the place of the yagna. He managed to put one foot inside the yagna hall. The animal that was chasing him managed to catch hold of his other foot. Bheema who took great pride about his strength, could not free himself.

King Yudhishtria was called to intervene. He looked at the situation. He decided that since the animal had gotten one leg, one part of Bheema’s body was to be given to the animal. Bheema pleaded with it “After all I showed you 12 shiva lingas. Do you want to kill me?” The purusha mirugam was touched by the sense of justice of Yudhishtira. It was also grateful that Bheema showed it 12 shiva lingas. It went away without claiming Bheema’s flesh.

Krishna then asked the brothers, “Did you think why the beast came at the name of Govinda but stopped when it saw a Shivalinga? You were calling Govinda but it was Shiva who saved Bheema.” The brothers realised their mistake of forgetting Lors Shiva while focusing on Govinda. They realised that Shiva and Govinda were one and the same.

Current day purusha mirugam chase

This is a story from the Mahabharata. It was a way of keeping people engaged on Shivarathri. Many communities in India used to do this Shiva darshan on the night of Shivarathri. Over a period of time, this was forgortten.

Even today a community (who consider themselves descendants of Salya maharishi and are known as Salyas) in Kanyakumari district (TamilNadu) do a Shivalinga chase on the night of Shivarathri. They visit 12 Shiva temples on one night shouting Gopala Govinda. There are a whole lot of anna dhanam centres and refreshment spots on the way. Shiva Ottam has become so popular that whole families do it and many other communities have also joined the hunt for Shiva.

The 12 rudraksha beads are supposed to represent the jyotirlingas. Some say they represent the 12 zodiac signs. A few scholars say that 12 rashis are represented by the 12 Shivalingas with each temple important for one rashi. Doesn’t matter about the reason. This whole hunt is a fun plus religious event with many enjoying the night.


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