Dashdharma The curse of the Sanathkumaras



We have seen earlier the story of Sukeshi who went to the ashram of the sages in the Magadh forest and learnt many dharmic concepts. (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/02/pious-asuras-and-worried-gods). Amongst the many things he learnt from the sages, he also got the knowledge of the ten basic principles of Dharma that is common to all people irrespective of their occupation (varnas). We had already covered two of these Dharmas through relevant stories. Please see the link below.

Dasha Dharma

1.         Dhṛti – Patience (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/02/dashdharma-patience-shabari.html; https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/02/dash-dharma-patience.html)

2.         Kṣhamā – Forgiveness (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/03/dashadharma-story-of-kaakasura-from.htmll)

3.         Damo - Calmness

4.         Asteyaṃ - Not coveting/ stealing (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/05/story-of-tumburu-viradha.html)


5.         Saucam – Cleanliness (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/04/dashadharma-story-of-shitala-ma.html)

6.         Indriya nigraha – Control of senses (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/04/narada-understands-power-of-maya.html)

7.         Dhīr – Righteous Action (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/03/dashadharama-kacha-and-devayani.html)

8.         Vidya – Pursuit of knowledge (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/05/the-krishnabhakti-of-gopis.html)

9.         Satyam – Truthfulness (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/03/harishchandra-test-and-triumph.html.)

10.       Akrodho – Control of anger

daśakaṃ dharmalakṣaṇam।।

Story on Akrodho – Control of anger

The curse of the Sanathkumaras

Lord Brahma was in deep meditation. He had been given the task of creation. He was meditating to decide how and where he would start from. In his deep meditative state, Lord Brahma desired children who could further the cause of creation. This thought manifested itself in the form of four small children. These children were Sanaka (ancient), Sanandana (every joyful), Sanatana (eternal) and Sanatkumara (ever young). The four of them together are commonly referred to as Chaturasana or the Kumaras.

Brahma was happy that now there were these four children who could further the cause of creation. He told them “My sons, you can help me in the cause of creation. I want you to help me in populating the Brahmand (universe) by having a family. “ . Much to his surprise, the Chaturasana folded their hands and said “We are grateful that you gave us life. But we do not want to be stuck in the confines of life, death, affection and maya. We want to pursue the cause of learning and spread Bless us in this more important endeavour.”

Lord Brahma kept telling them that he had created them with the purpose of fathering children and populating the world. But the four were unmoved and firm in their resolve. Finally, Brahma had to give in. He blessed them in their pursuit of knowledge. They asked an additional boon of Lord Brhama “Bless us, father that we may never age. We should have the curiosity of children in receiving and spreading knowledge forever.” He blessed them and they went their way.

They wandered the Brahmand for many many yugas in their pursuit of knowledge. They kept their child like physical appearance and were often mistaken for children wherever they went. Once their wandering took them to the gates of Vaikunta, the abode of Lord Vishnu. 

Having come to Vaikunta, they wanted to pay their respects to Lord Vishnu. They went to the gatekeepers of Vaikunta, Jaya and Vijaya. Jaya and Vijaya were sworn to do only what their Lord Vishnu tells them to do. They did not recognise anyone or anything else. While very obedient to Lord Vishnu, they were also proud of their positions as gate keepers.

Sometimes, Lord Vishnu used to tell them that he was not to be disturbed. Normally, it means that the Lord is going into a state of yoda nidra. While very diligent normally, Jaya Vijaya were extra careful and protective of their Lord’s privacy during these times.

The time the Chaturasana visited Vaikunta was one such time when Lord Vishnu was in youga nidra. The four child like sages, the Chaturasana reached the gates of Vaikunta. They go the gatekeepers and tell them “We are the Chaturasana, the sons of Lord Brahma. We are here to meet Lord Vishnu.”

The gate keepers thought these four small children. They are unable to understand the significance and the wisdom of their visitors. They said “We cannot let you in. The Lord is resting.”

The Chaturasaana were used to being mistaken for children and do not take offence. They again said “We are the sons of Lord Brahma. We were born many yugas earlier. We wander the universe gathering and spreading knowledge. We want to pay our respects to Lord Vishnu and discuss a few scriptures with him.”

Jaya and Vijaya were now getting slightly irritated. They told the Kumaras, “Why are you wasting our time giving so many details. We only obey our Lord Vishnu. We cannot let you in. You need to leave. Otherwise, we will be forced to send you out.”

The Chaturasana were taken aback by this display of rudeness and arrogance. They said “Why don’t you just go tell the Lord? Tell him the Kumaaraas are here. If he still wants us to leave and come some other time, we will.”

Jaya and Vijaya were really angry by now. They started going towards the Kumaaras in a threatening fashion. They said “We have told you that we will not let you enter. Our Lord is resting. We cannot allow anyone to disturb him. Please leave or we will throw you out. As you can see, we are strong and powerful. You are but children. Do not make us use force against you.”

The Chaturasana were now really angry at the insult and the threats. They curse Jaya and Vijaya “You are drunk with power and arrogance. Despite being in a divine place like Vaikunta, you are not having any maturity. You are slaves of human emotions such as ego and anger. You will lose the position that you are so proud of. You will fall from Vaikunta and be born as humans in Bhuloka.”

Cursing Jaya and Vijaya, the Kumaaras left in anger. Now Jaya and Vijaya got worried. They were indeed rude and arrogant towards visitors despite being told many times to recheck. They were very distressed. Not knowing what to do, they waited for their Lord Vishnu to get up from the yoga nidra.

Vishnu finally got up and called them. They entered his chambers and were looking sad and worried. The all-knowing Vishnu asked them innocently, “Who came when I was in yoga nidra? Did anyone important come? Hope you were able to politely tell them to come later.”

Jaya and Vijaya fell at Lord Vishnu’s feet and narrated the incident. Vishnu smiled and said “You were given a responsibility. It was not power. You should have dealt with the Kumaaras with respect and tact and could have told them the same thing. Getting angry and violent does not help. Anyway, the damage is done.”

Lord Vishnu said “I cannot undo the curse of the Kumaaras. Since you prevented their entry because of my instructions, I shall give you a choice. You can take hundred births as humans and live a pious life praying to me. Or you can take three births as Asuras and spend your life fighting and hating me. Let me know what would you prefer.”

Jaya and Vijaya looked at each other and said “Lord, we have learnt our lesson. We let anger and arrogance get the better of us. We cannot bear to stay away from you for long. If the curse has to come true, we would prefer to do it in three short births even if it means thinking about you as an enemy all the time. Give us the boon of three births as Asuras so that we can come back to Vaikunta fast.”

Lord Vishnu blessed them and said “So be it. In all the three briths, you will remember me, but as an enemy. I will come myself and end your life in battle” Jaya and Vijaya thanked the Lord for his kindness and left.

So, were they born as Asuras? Yes, they are the famous Asuras that we all know about. In their first birth in the Satya Yuga, they were Hiranyakshan and Hiranyakashipu. Hiranyakshan was killed by Lord Varaha and Hiranyakashipu was killed by Lord Narasimha.

In the second birth in the Treta Yuga, they were born as Ravana and Kumbakarna and both were killed by Lord Rama. In the Dvapara Yuga, they took their third birth as Sishupala and Dantavakra and were killed by Krishna.

Of course, each of these colourful characters have many stories.


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