Apasthamba and Pitrpaksha

Apasthamba and Pitrpaksha Once upon a time in the ancient city of Mahishmathi there lived a brahmin. He was learned and well versed in the scriptures and was well regarded by his fellow vedic pundits. It was the auspicious month of the pitrus. The paksha of the month is view – ie 15 days – was considered the time when all the ancestors visit the earthly plane. It was a period when people across Bharatavarsha follow austerities like avoiding intoxicants, ate more of sattvic food and spent their time in prayers and charity. During this period, it was considered auspicious to call the brahmins home for food. The brahmin in our story in addition to being a well sought after vedic pundit was one of the wealthy people in the city. Although the brahmin was a scholar and well read, he was not humble about his knowledge. He was very proud both of his knowledge and his money. With the coming of ptirupaksha, the brahmin wanted to organize a shrardh in his house. He started the prepara...