Vigna Hartha - Shiva worships Vinayaka

 Vighna Hartha – Shiva worships Ganapathi


Lord Shiva was sitting in Kailash in deep meditation. The Gods were watching and waiting. Things were out of hand.  They wanted a solution from Parameshwara. What was the issue? Three brothers, Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha and Kamalaksha were tormenting all the three worlds.

How did it start? Who were they? They were the sons of Tarakasura. As sons of an Asura, they were by nature powerful. They decided to strengthen themselves further with powerful boons. They went on a tapas. At long last, Brahma appeared before them and asked them what they wanted.

After many eons Brahma appeared before them. The brothers tried getting the boon of immortality but were denied by Lord Brahma. They asked for the boon of having a wandering fortress each. To protect themselves more, they asked Brahma that they cannot be killed until all their floating fortresses come in one single line on Pushya Nakshatra with a powerful person by one single arrow. Brahma found the boon a bit strange but still granted the boon.

Each of the brothers built a powerful and beautiful floating fortress. One brother built his fortress in gold. One brother built it in silver and third one built it in iron. As time went on, the brothers slowly became arrogant about their power. They started committing atrocities. Due to the power and peculiarity of their boon, the Devas knew no one but Lord Shiva can take them on.

That is why they were waiting for Shiva to finish their meditation. Once Shiva was done with his meditation, he slowly opened his eyes. The Devas prayed to him “Lord, we are unable to bear the torture of the three brothers, Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha and Kamalaksha. We want you come with us and kill these tormentors and give all the worlds peace.”

Lord Shiva smiled and agreed to help them. He directed the Devas to create a special chariot. The sun and the moon became the wheels of the chariot. Brahma became the charioteer. Mount Meru became the bow and Vasuki became the bowstring. Mahavishnu became the arrow. Agni became the arrow head and Vayu became the feather of the arrow.

Every other Devatha who wanted to see this event got into the chariot as a part or as a weapon. Lord Shiva left Kailash to start the battle with the Asuras. (The picture of the chariot as sculpted in one of the temple walls is given in story).

The muhurtham for the chariots to come in one line was nearing. They were getting close to their destination. Shiva was seated majestically in the chariot. Suddenly Shiva felt a huge jolt. The chariot had come to a halt. The Devas were shocked and surprised. A chariot that was built with so much divinity had stopped. No one knew what was the cause. Try as they might, they could not move the chariot. The Devas were very worried that the auspicious time for the Tripura Samhaaram (Killing of the Tripuras) may pass.

Finally Lord Shiva sat down in the well of the chariot and closed his eyes. He meditated quietly. He wanted to find out what had happened. After a while, Shiva got up with a smile. He called his Ganas,  “Make me a small vigraha of Ganapathy.”. The Ganas were surprised. But they did not have a habit of questioning their Lord.

So they quietly made a Ganapathy out of sandalwood paste. Lord Shiva sat down in his chariot and prayed to his elder son, Ganapathy. The other Devathas were surprised to see the father worship the son. Once the Puja was over, Ganapathy came near his father with a smile and gave him a small piece of wood which was the axle of the wheel of the chariot.

Lord Shiva smiled and hugged his son and said “I am sorry son. I forgot to inform you and think of you before embarking on this journey. Please put the axle back so that the chariot can move. The auspicious time is fast approaching.”

Lord Ganapathy prostrated before his father and said “Father, forgive me. It was you who gave me the boon that everyone should think of me before starting any new endeavour. I wanted you to remind you and the world that I am the remover of obstacles. Where better to start than with family.:

Then with a mischievous smile, Vinayaka went and put the axles back in the wheel of the chariot and the chariot started moving. A terrible battle followed between Shiva and the asuras. The moment when all the three floating chariots were in one line occurred. Lord Shiva bent his Dhanush (bow) and let go of a powerful arrow at the time of the Pushya Nakshatra.

The three chariots of the brothers Takakaksha, Vidyunmali and Kamalaksha started crumbling and burning. The Devas shouted with joy and sang praises of Lord Shiva. Soon the brothers were burnt to ash. Shiva returned victorious and got the name of Tripurari or Tripurantakara.

The place where the axle of the chariot is supposed to be near the city of Chennai in Tamilnadu. The place is called Accharapakkam (Acchu in Tamil language means axle / screw).

Lord Ganesha showed that he will test a person if they forget him. By testing his own divine father, Lord Ganesha perhaps taught us a lesson.




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