Da.... Da..... Da


The Story of Da, Da and Da

# Stories from the Upanishads

Source:Bhrihadranya Upanishad

Brahma the Creator, created the devas, asuras and humans. As a parent he treats all his children in the same way. He is also the guru and the guide for all his creations. Once the Devas went to Brahma and said “Please give us a simple instruction for living our life.” Brahma just said the syllable Da. He looked at them and said, “Have you understood. Now please go and follow this.” The Devas said, “Yes. We have understood. Our universe is filled with objects that give so much pleasure to the senses. Hence we are not able to control the senses. You have told us to practice Damyata (Self control in Sanskrit). Damyata indicates both control of the mind and the body. We shall obey you and try to follow abstinence.” They saluted the Creator and left.

Next the humans created by Brahma came to him and said, “Oh Divine Father, Please give us an instruction that is easy for us to follow. Brahma looked at them and said Da. The humans prostrated and thanked him for the advice. Brahma asked them, “ Have you understood my advice?” The humans replied, “ Yes Father. You are implying the word Datha (To give) which means that we are kind and generous to our fellow humans. We shall try and live up to your instructions. They saluted him once again and left.

The asuras who were also created by Brahma came next and said, “ Oh Divine one, please guide also on a simple path for our well being.” Brahma smiled and said Da. He blessed them and asked, “Do you understand my blessing?” The asuras replied. “Yes glorious father. You blessed us and asked us to follow Daya (Kindness) towards others. It means that we control our cruel nature and show sympathy and kindness to others.” They promised to be more kind, took Brahma’s blessings and left.

In reality the story implies that there are all kinds of people but depending on one’s nature, one should take the advice in the story and practice it.


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