The Gods Go Hungry


The Gods Go Hungry 

Do you know there was a time when the Gods went hungry?

Once all the celestial beings, the Devas came to meet the Creator Brahma. Brahma was happy to see them but was shocked to find they all looked weak and famished. He said, “Why are  you all weak?” The king of Gods, Indira responded, “ Param Pita, we are not getting any nourishment. The humans are earth are being nourished by Prithvi, the mother Goddess. But we are not able to get anything of sustenance in the Devalok.”

Brahma said, “Yagna being performed by the humans on earth is nothing but an exchange of energies between the earth and Devas. They make the offering into the fire in your name and you in turn provide the seasons, rain and sun to help sustain the earth. This is the code of nature.” The Devas replied, “Indeed father. But whatever is being offered in the fire is not reaching us.” Brahma looked at Agni, the fire God questioningly. He bowed his head and said, “Indeed Lord. I am unable to transfer the energies to the devas. I need help.”

Brahma, unable to find a solution went to Vishnu. Vishnu told him to consult Prithvi, the mother Goddess. The mother Goddess created a young Goddess to preside over all yagnas who was to be the conduit for reaching the yagnic sacrifices to the Devas.

Brahma asked the young Goddess what Prithvi has named her. She said she was called Swaha. Brahma smiled and decreed, “ Hereafter all sacrificial offerings into yagna fires should be offered to Swaha who will in turn take it to the respective Devatha.

That is when the practice of using the suffix of Swaha into yagna offerings started. The offerings in a yagna is an exchange between the humans and the Devas where the humans pray for blessings of the various celestial Devas. The Devas in turn accept the offering and bless the yagna and the yajaman (the main person performing the yagna) and his family with health and prosperity.


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