Agasthya and the Vindhyas
Agasthya and the Mountain
One day the sage Narada was
travelling the length of Bharat. On the way he came across the Vindhya
mountains. The mountain paid its respects to the wandering sage and said, “Pranam Narada. How are you? How is that you are never tired of all this
travel? I am staying in one place. I see the same horizon, the sun, moon and
stars every day.”
Narada said, “What to do dear
Vindhya? Each person has a different destiny. I am destined to keep tabs on
many things across this universe and report it back to the Gods. I am tired but
I do enjoy my travels as I see many things and enjoy the different sceneries.”
The Vindhyas said, “Interesting
sage. I am bound to this place. Do tell me about your travels. Do you see any
other mountains.? How are they? Are they taller or shorter? Although I think
most will be shorter than my majestic height.”
Narada said “You are indeed an
imposing mountain Vindhya. You are nearly as great as some of the other
mountains I have seen.” Now the Vindhyas were intrigued. “Nearly as great? You
mean there are mightier mountains?” Narada said carelessly, “Of course. Anyways
I am in a hurry. I will see you soon.” Scared that the Vindhyas might crush him
Narada rushed southward.
Now Vindhyas completely lost its peace. It could not enjoy
the trees and animals that had made their home in the mountain and the gentle
western breeze that blows towards it in the evening. It was feeling upset that
there were greater mountains which can reduce its presence and glory.
It decides to ask the elements.
It called the Surya God. The Sun God appeared before the mountain. Without even
the customary courtesies, the mountain blurted, “Lord, you wander the Brahmand.
Please tell me about the great mountains in your path.”
Lord Surya is a bit taken aback.
But he says, “Of course. There are many beautiful mountain ranges in my path.
Some are tall and covered with snow. Some are not so tall but are covered with
thick forests and provide shelter to many animals and birds. But I see a bit of
both when I circle around Mount Meru which has snow in the higher peaks and
thick vegetation and birds and animals in the lower ranges. It takes me almost
a couple of hours to go around Mount Meru.”
Vindhyas is shocked. “What you
circle Mount Meru? Why?” Lord Surya responded. “Yes. I cannot help it. The
Mount is so tall that I am unable to go over it. So I circle it. Anyway, it is
my duty and I do enjoy it as I see a variety of animals and birds and trees on
Meru.” Saying so, Surya went back to his
journey for the day.
Now the Vindhyas was jealous. It could not take that another
mountain can be better than itself in Bharat. It started increasing itself in
height and kept growing. At some point the mountain became so heavy and tall,
that the earth could not take its weight. Also due to the unnatural height, the
wind and rain patterns changed resulting in drought or excessive rains damaging
crops. This created a lot of hardship for everyone.
Indra tried counselling the
mountain. He said “Meru is great not because of its height, but because it
nurtures many life forms.” But Vindhyas was adamant. “I also support many life
forms. If you are so concerned, then Brahma should not have created a mountain
taller than me.” Indra tried reasoning saying that there was a reason Meru was
taller. But Vindhyas was beyond reasoning.
The family came to the Vindhyas
mountains but the huge mountain blocked their path. The sage called out to the
Seeing the sage with his family, the
mountain bowed its head “Guruji. Pranam. I want to ask you something.” Sage
Agasthya says “No. I am in a hurry. I will talk to you later.”
Vindyas tries to lift its head
after doing its pranams. Agasthya turns and talks to the Vindhyas as if
remembering suddenly, “By the way, Vindhya I am going south. I may return in a
hurry. If you again grow tall and become your magnificent self, I cannot cross
you. As you know I have short legs that have to carry me long distances. So
please keep your head bowed. Once I cross over, you can go back to your
beautiful height and be the tallest in the region.
Hearing such words of praise, Vindhyas puffs itself up and says, “Of course. Guruji. I don’t mind. I shall keep my head bowed till you cross. It would be my pleasure.”
Agasthya and his family happily
settled in the south of Bharat. They never went back. The movement of the Sun and Moon are
continuing unhindered resulting in rains and crop cycles being on time. Meru is
still majestically in its place nurturing rivers, birds and animals.
The Vindhyas continues to wait
for the return of Sage Agasthya but with its head bowed.
Some problems can be solved by tact without resorting to
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