Sage Dhaumya and his disciples - Part 2

Sage Dhaumya and his disciples Part 2 We saw how Sage Dhaumya had ( ) tested one of his disciples Aruni by tasking him to arrest the flow of water from the broken dyke. Now it was the turn of the other two disciples – Upamanyu and Ved. Let us see what happened. One day Dhaumya called Upamanyu and said, “Upamanyu, you have grown up and your education is now almost complete. Hereafter during the day, I want you to take the cows and calves into the forest and graze them so that they can eat well.” Upamanyu bowed to the Guru and said “So be it, Guruji.” From then on Upamanyu sincerely took the cows and calves everyday into the forest and grazed them. He went after his morning classes and returned for the evening session. One day Dhaumya observed that Upamanyu had become rather plump. He called him and asked him “Upamanyu, you leave in the morning before the meals. You come back only for the...