From Narendranath to Swami Vivekananda


Know Your Heros

From Narendranath to Swami Vivekananda


Naren was walking past the Vivekananda Illam in Chennai (a city in India) with his dad. He saw a festive look and beautiful posters in the vicinity. He also saw a few posters that mentioned the name Narendranath. Naren turned to his dad and asked “Dad, who is this person, Narendranath? He has my name in long format.” 

His father laughed and said, “Naren, he does not have your name in long format. You have his name in short format. In fact, your mom and I had named you after him.”

Now Naren’s curiosity was aroused. He said “Is it? Who is this person? Was he famous? Tell me about him.”

Naren’s dad took him to a shaded bench in the beach and sat down. He started to tell him about Swami Vivekananda.

“Naren, you should be proud. You are named after one of the greatest thinkers of this century both in India and world over. He was a writer, philosopher and most importantly a leader who inspired thousands to follow his path. We celebrate his birthday 12th of January as National Youth Day”

Narent said “Dad, this sounds interesting but tell me more. Who were his parents? What did he do? Why did he become famous and was able to inspire so many people.”

Naren’s dad was happy to oblige him.

Vivekananda was born as Narendranath in 1863 in Kolkatta in an affluent family. His father Vishwanath Datta was an attorney at the Calcutta High Court. His mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi was a pious woman who was a home maker.

As a boy Naren was curious and serious. One of the stories of his childhood goes that he used to play with his friends a game of Who can meditate the longest?

Once when Narendranath was playing this game with his friends, a cobra came amongst their midst. All the other boys who weren’t concentrating enough scattered. They called out to Narendranath (who they called as Biley) “Biley, there is a big snake. Run, run.” But Narendranath did not open his eyes. He kept them closed and was deep in meditation. The snake looked at the boy for a few minutes and then went its way.

The serious Narendranath grew up curious about who he was and his place in the world. It is also believed that he had certain mystical experiences and those led him to seek answers. Narendranath, saw too much suffering around him and started questioning the notion of God and religion that makes people suffer so much. He looked for a Guru who could give him those answers. He searched for this Guru and mentor by reading more, talking to more people and learning more.

This quest led him to his Guru the mystic Ramakrishna, an ardent devotee of Kali. The young, rational and Brahmo Samaji, Narendranath found it difficult to reconcile his rationality with the mystical practices of an illiterate Ramakrishna. Ramakrishna followed the path of complete surrender and devotion.

Over time and after certain divine experiences thanks to the blessings of his Guru, Narendranath became an ardent disciple of his Guru, Ramakrishna.

(It is said that once Narendranath asked his Guru to show him the God if he had seen God. Ramakrishna touched him and blessed. Then he asked him to go to the temple that day with an open heart and mind and lo and behold, Narendranath saw Goddess Kaali in her complete glory.)

The Guru and disciple became so close that in 1886 Narendranath became a monk under the guidance of Ramakrishna. He became the successor to his Guru with a name Vivkeanand.

Travel and Teachings

Vivekananda started travelling the nation exploring and explaining his thoughts on religion, society and many other issues. During his travels he interacted with multitudes from all walks of life.

Armed with his religious and spiritual knowledge and his ground level understanding of Hindus, Swami Vivekananda travelled to Chicago to address the Worlds Parliament of Religions in 1893. He spoke on Hinduism and his speech in the conference was hailed as one of the most powerful at the event and became iconic. He became a sensation in the USA for his clarity of thought, compassion and power of oration.

Swami Vivekananda toured the USA and London propounding his thoughts that gathered lots of followers.

Setting up of the Ramakrishna Mission

Upon his return to India, Swami Vivekananda set up the Ramakrishna Mission Association at Kolkatta. This organisation branched out to become one of the most respected institutions imparting knowledge and philosophy to the young and old alike.

Swami Vivekananda died at a very young age of 39 leaving behind an unmatched legacy. The Ramakrishna Mission that today manages many institutions and does great service in the areas of education, health and social welfare is a standing ovation to the great Guru Ramakrishna and his erudite disciple Swami Vivekananda.

Such unparalleled achievement at 39 is unthinkable. No wonder National Youth Day is celebrated in his memory.

Memorable quotes from Vivekananda

Ø  Arise! Awake! and stop not until the goal is reached.

Ø  We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far

Ø  The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you freed.

Naren listened to his father’s tale spell bound. He suddenly got up and hugged his father. “Thank you for naming me after Narendranath.” His father smiled and said “Now lets got into Vivkananda House and see some of the books.”

Father and son went their way.



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