A wood cutter's devotion - Part 2



(Link for part 1 given above)

We saw the worry and stress Sendhan’s wife went through when on a cold rainy day an ascetic visited their home. Sendhan, like a true man had invited the ascetic home for food when there was nothing at home.

Sendan’s wife looked at the empty pots in the house and did not know what to do. She searched their small hut and found some broken rice, a handful of pulses and some jaggery. She quickly made a dish using these ingredients. The ascetic was very pleased to have a hot tasty dish in the cold weather. He ate some and requested the lady to pack some for his journey. The dish known as kali (Pronounced the same as opposed to Kaali, the Goddess) is a rustic dish eaten by the poor as it is nutritious and filling. The lady packed the left over food and the ascetic was on his way. Sendan and his wife went to bed without eating anything as they had given whatever food they had to the ascetic.

Next day was a chariot festival at the grand temple of Chidambaram. The priests opened the sanctum for starting the day’s activities as the king was expected to visit the temple and participate in the celebrities. They were shocked to see particles of kali spilt all over the sanctum and even on the Lord’s clothes. They were surprised as

this dish is not normally a part of the regular offering in the temple. They went on to clean everything and started the day’s pooja.

The grand chariot was ready to be taken around the temple and hundreds of people including the king where there to pull the chariot. Despite so many people and even elephants pulling the

chariot, the chariot did not budge. The king and the devotees did not know what to do. They prayed to Lord Shiva for guidance.

At that moment all in the gathering clearly heard a Divine Voice saying “ We want to hear a song sung by Sendan whose hospitality and tasty kali we had yesterday.” The gathering was shocked. The king who was a devout Shaivite and would have offered anything the Lord asked for, wanted to know who this Sendan was who had impressed the Lord with his love and devotion. He told his soldiers to find Sendan.Sendan who was in one corner of the gathering and was afraid to come in front of the king was finally brought to the front.

When asked, he narrated the visit of the ascetic the previous day and how he and his wife served him the kali. The king prostrated before Sendan and requested him to sing a song in praise of the Lord so that the chariot can move. Sendan humbly replied “I am a wood cutter. I don’t know how to write songs”. At that moment, the Divine voice boomed again “ Today you will be able to sing.” Sendan bowed before the Lord and started. He was surprised to find that words came to him without any effort. He composed a song praising the God of Chidambaram and then the chariot moved.

He went on to write more songs in praise of the Lord. The king and others were truly humbled to see such selfless devotion recognised by the God himself.


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