Hanuman's Crossing - Part 1

 Flight of Hanuman – Understanding and learnings

We can look at important incidents in our ithihasas as Puranas as happenstance and enjoy it as an action sequence. On the other hand, we could stop and understand it better. We are just taking a well known sequence in the Sundara Kanda of the Ramayana – Hanuman crossing the Lanka. We are just taking a few of the shlokas to understand if we can learn something from this.

The beginning

The vanaras reached the shores near Mahendragiri. They ran atop the hill and saw the vast expanse of water. They decided one of the them has to go across to check out the other side. After discussion it was decided that Hanuman was best suited for this task. Hanuman was initially reluctant but agreed after Jambavan pointed out the importance of the task and his strengths.

The morning dawned bright and sunny. The birds were chirping. Animals were looking for their prey. The vanaras were up and about and were going about their morning ablutions. There was a sense of anticipation and excitement.

Anjaneya was quietly doing his morning prayers and meditating upon Lord Rama. He then went to the top of the mountain, closed his eyes and started chanting Lord Rama’s name while stomping his legs. Slowly his body expanded with Mahima Shakti (Power to expand one’s body). 

The strength of Hanuman was such that the flowers from trees involuntary fell down and covered the mountain surface as if covered by the stars. Snakes deep inside the mountain were so agitated that they spat their venom. The rishis and vidyadharas came out to see what the commotion was about.

Hanuman crouched into a squat, rolled his tail for better power and took one big leap. The momentum of this leap made the sea water rise and even the fish flew a few feet before crashing back into the water. Some of the trees were uprooted in this force and flew for a bit before falling into the water. Just imaging the power of this leap.

Hanuman’s father Lord Vayu was fondly watching from heaven while aiding his son to maintain the momentum. The shade of the giant Hanuman’s shadow on the ocean’s water was so wide and long that it almost looked like that there was a trench (dip) in the water. Hanuman’s eyes and teeth shone were shining amongst the dark clouds like celestial border.

Hospitality from an unexpected quarter

At this time, the king of the ocean t. hought about the greatness of the Ikshavahu clan and wanted to help Hauman. Why did he need to help Hanuman?

The king of ocean was developed by King Sagar of the Ikshvaku dynasty. Hence the king of ocean felt that if he did not help the messenger of the scion of the Ikshvaku dynasty, he will be subject to ridicule.

He went to a golden hued mountain in the middle of the ocean called Mainaka. He said “Why don’t’ you rise up and float in the surface. Hanuman who is flying on top of us is deserving of our respect. We will request him to take some rest and proceed.”

Mainaka obeyed his master the king of ocean and floated on top of the ocean. Hanuman who was flying tried to avoid the mountain, but the mountain kept rising ad was becoming an obstruction.

When Hanuman did not stop, Mainaka assumed human form and told Hanuman “Oh, Vayuputra. The king of the ocean has sent me to provide you some place to rest in the middle of the ocean. My Lord, the king of ocean owes a debt to the Ikshvahu clan as they helped him to develop into a magnificent water body. Please do rest and partake the fruits and herbs in my surface.” Mainaka continued “I also owe you a gratitude as your father Lord Vayu saved me when Indra cut off the wings of the mountains as they were flying everywhere and destroying things. At that time, Vayu helped me hide under the ocean and intervened with Indra to prevent my wings from being cut.”

Hanuman was touched but realised he could not accede to the request. He said “I am going on ShriRama’s work. How can I take rest? Is that right? But I am very happy with your thought. I shall convey the gesture of the king of the ocean and your kindness to my Lord.” Saying so, he extended his long arms and just hugged the Mainaka mountain and proceeded on his journey.

Key learnings

Hanuman was a powerful person blessed with Ashtamasiddhi (the eight great powers). One of the Ashtamasiddhi is to expand oneself but he did not realise it till Jambavan pointed it out to him.

Sometimes we need a mentor to realise our potential. The mentor can be a parent, teacher, friend or a total stranger.

The king of ocean was keen to pay a debt to a messenger of the Ikshvaku dynasty and so was Mainaka.

A help rendered by anyone, however small, needs to be acknowledged ad reciprocated.

Hanuman while acknowledging the gesture did not get distracted by the offer of rest and food on Mainaka. Was it rude? No. He was focused on his goal.

To achieve anything in our life, we should have self-belief, blessings from almighty and complete focus on our goal. Nothing should distract us. While turning down offer for help for any reason, it should be done kindly and tactically.

Hanuman’s journey continues......


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