Krishna and Kubja


Krishna and Kubja

Two small boys hardly into their teens were sitting pensively in the chariot. Akrur, who had gone to get the boys was worried. He knew his King Kamsa and his cruelty. He wondered how these young boys were going to survive the brute who was Kamsa. Krishna smiled and told Akrur, “Can we stop by the pond for a while.?” Akrur was happy to stop. He went to the pond to wash his face. In the water he saw Lord Vishnu on the Seshanag. He realized the similarity between the faces of the boys who were in his chariot with the images under the water. He realized with a start that he was the charioteer for none other than Lord Narayana and the Adishesha themselves.

Akrur came out of the water and fell at Krishna’s feet and asked for forgiveness for not realising he was. Krishna smiled and said “Akrur, hope now you are not worried about our fate in the hands on Kamsa?” Akrur now worried about the fate of this king in the hands of the boys.

The chariot reached the gates of Mathura. The citizens were waiting everywhere. The legend of Krishna and how he defeated all attempts by Kamsa to kill him had reached the city already. The learned and the old said “Look at the thejus (brightness) of knowledge and wisdom on Kirhna’’s face at such a young age.” The mothers looked at each other and said “Devaki is blessed. Everyone should have a son like tthat”. The father’s hugged their sons and said “Look at him. We want you to be like him.” The young women said “Oh, look how handsome hie is. We can look at him all day.”

The boys and Akrur made their way through the crowd towards Kamsa’s palace. People were waiting with sweets, fruits, flowers, gifts and many other offerings. Pushed everywhere in the crowd was a ugly looking lady with a hunchback. Her back was fully bent and she was scuffling her feet. She was getting pushed by the crowd and was trying to see Krishna. She was Kubja and she was employed in Kamsa’s palace for grinding sandalwood everyday for the king.

Krishna slowly parted the crowd and moved towards the lady. He told her “ Your presence makes this whole place fragrant. I want to know what is this special gift that you got me. Let me see.” Kubja thought Krishna was making fun of her. “Krishna, there are rich merchants and wealthy young girls standing there with their precious gifts. Why are you mocking a poor woman. I can hardly stand up.”

Krishna smiled and said “No really. Do give me your gift.” Kubja shyly showed him the bowl of fresh sandalwood she had made that morning for him. She tried to apply it on his forehead but could not reach it. 

Krishna went closer to Kubja and stood on her toes. Holding both her hands he slowly pulled her up. Kubja felt the bones of her body celt creak and respond. Krishna slowly lifted her chin. The bones and her back unwound more. Kubja could not feel the pain on her back. She felt that she could see things much better now. She realized that she was standing straight. She was able to see Krishna’s face.

Kubja had tears in her eyes. She lovingly applied the sandalwood paste to Krishna’s forehead. He let her do it. She kept looking at those eyes and face and realized that she had seen him someplace, sometime in some birth. She vaguely saw a river and two young men and a young girl who were in clothes for the forest. Kubja had a hazy memory of people screaming at her and running behind the three people with tears in their eyes.

Kubja looked at the young man in front of her. “Do I know you Krishna? Have I seen you before?” Krishna smiled at her and said “Maybe in another birth in another time, Kubja. You did not like me then.” Saying that Krishna touched her head affectionately.

Like a lightning, Kubja realised who stood in front of her. She fell at Krishna’s feet. “You are Rama. You are Vishnu and you are Krishna. I thought my body was the problem. But my sins were the problem and the burden I carried. Why did you cure me, Krishna? “

Krishna laughed and said “Kubja or should I say Manthara, you have borne the burden of your actions. It is now time to start a new life.” Kubja was sobbing in shame and regret. The onlookers shouted JaiShrikrishna.


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