Thulabhaaram - A lesson in humility - Part 2

Thulabhaaram – A lesson in humility Part 2

In the first part, we saw Narada giving the rare parijatha flowers to Lord Krishna in Dwaraka. Krishna in turn gave it to Rukmini. Narada then went to Sathyabhama and told her about the rare flower and the fact that Krishna gave it to Rukmini. This piqued Sathyabhama’s curiousity. She was also a little angry as she thought she had the most beautiful and well kept garden that pleased her Lord Krishna. To hear that Rukmini can have a rare divine flower that was not there in her garden was not acceptable to her.

That evening Lord Krishna visited Devi Sathyabhama after his work. He expected Sathyabhama to be her usual smiling, warm self. Krishna was surprised to see her a bit grumpy and angry. He waited for her to tell him herself. When she did not tell him anything, he said, “Bhama, what is wrong? Where is the sweet smile and warm welcome that I get normally? “

After some reluctance and more questions from Krishna, Sathyabhama finally relented. She said “Narada had come today my Lord.” Krishna smiled mischievously now. “Oh, he came. Did he? And what did he say?” Sathyabhama looked at him accusingly. “Lord. Don’t tell me you don’t k know what it was about. He gave you a rare divine flower and you did not think of me.” Krishna was repentant. “How can I not think of you, Bhama? It’s just that I was in the midst of some work and Rukmini was sitting there and I could not take time to come here. Don’t you worry. I will make it up to you. Tell me. What do you want?”

Sathyabhama was waiting for this question. She said “Lord. You know I spend every second of my day thinking about you. I grow rare flowers in my garden just so that I can make you fragrant garlands of these rare flowers. How can I rest knowing that I am not able give you the rare parijatha flower in my daily offering? I want to be able to give you the parijatha not one or two days, but every day. I want the parijatha tree.” Krishna pretended to be taken aback and surprised. “How is that possible Sathyabhama? Narada said that he got the flowers from Indra’s garden. Indra uses these flowers for his SriVishnu puja every day. I don’t think we can get it.”

Now Sathyabhama was upset. She said “Krishna, how can you say this? Is there anything impossible for you? I always thought that your strongest devotee, you loved me the most. Can you not get me the tree?” After some argument, Krishna finally agreed.

He told Sathyabhama. “Let us go to Devaloka. There is no point in asking Indra for the tree. We should just take it and come back before he notices. So Krishna and Sathyabhama go to Indraloka and take the parijatha tree and escape with it. Indra noticed it and battled Krishna. Krishna finally won Indra and got Sathyabhama her tree. Krishna planted the tree in such a way that the flowers fell into Rukmini’s garden. Now Sathyabhama had the tree but she did not have the flowers. She could not complain as this was not anyone’s fault.

Sathyabhama finally came up with a plan that she liked. She sent word for Narada. Narada came with an innocent face.” Devi, I heard that Lord Krishna even fought Indra for you to get the parijatha tree. He must really love you the most amongst his wives.”. Sathyabhama looked dejected “What is the point Narada. The tree is in my garden. But the flowers fall in Rukmini’s. She uses it every day for Krishna’s garland. I don’t know how to make Krishna mine alone. I don’t want to share him with anyone. As you know I am the daughter of a rich merchant. I am prepared to give all my wealth for this.” Narada smiled at Sathyabhama’s thinking that she can use her wealth to buy Krishna. He decided to play a small game with her.

Narada told her “I have an idea. Why don’t you give Lord Krishna as a dhaana (offering) to me. Then I can give him back to you for your wealth. But I will need enough wealth to equal Krishna’s body weight on a thulabhaaram (weighing scale). Sathyabhama liked the idea as she felt that she had enough money and Narada would not go back on his word.

That evening Sathyabhama told Krishna about it. Krishna was not too happy. He told Sathyabhama “You want me to be Narada’s slave? He is a wanderer. I will be forced to follow him everywhere.” Sathyabhama confidently told Krishna “Don’t worry Krishna. I am very rich. My father has more money if need be. We can buy you back. I would definitely not let you become a slave.” Krishna pretended to be worried and said “If you say so. I just want you to be happy.”

In the presence of the court Sathyabhama gave Lord Krishna to Narada. Rukmini was also present and was watching the whole ceremony with tears in her eyes. She did not want her Lord to become a slave. Sathyabhama was confident of getting him back and was smiling.

After the dhaana ceremony was over, Sathyabhama’s attendants got a thulabhaaram (scale). Krishna sat on one scale. Sathyabhama put her jewels in the other. The scale did not balance. She then added all the gold and silver in her palace. Krishna’s side was still heavy. Then she added her father’s gold and jewellery. The scale moved a little but still was lower on Krishna’s side.

Not Sathyabhama started panicking. Krishna said “Devi, I told you I did not want to become Narada’s slave. Now what do we do.” By now, Sathyabhama had used up all the wealth that she and her father and even her relatives had. She looked at Krishna with tears in her eyes not knowing what to do.

Krishna took pity on her but still wanted to teach her a lesson. He said “Oh. You don’t have any more wealth. Ask Rukmini if she can lend you some? She can perhaps give a solution.” Even though Sathyabhama was reluctant to ask Rukmini, she had to. She turned to Rukmini with tears in her eyes and said “Sister, if you don’t help me, both of us will lose our beloved Krishna.”

Rukmini did not say anything. From a thulsi plant nearby she plucked a few leaves and dropped it on the gold. Immediately Krishna’s side of the scale lifted and became equal to all the gold. Sathyabhama understood the lesson that her Lord had taught her. She was ashamed and asked for forgiveness from Rukmini with folded hands. Rukmini embraced her and they became sisters again.

Sathyabhama told Narada “You can take your gold Narada.” Narada smiled and said “I am a wanderer. What use I have for gold and wealth, Devi. With your permission I will take these thulsi leaves as my Lord’s prashad. The Lord wanted the world to understand what he values. He values the tulsi leaves more than all the gold and gems in the world. Krishna just played with you to bring out this truth” So saying he took the blessings of Lord Krishna and his consorts and went on his travels.


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