#Dash Dharma - Patience - Shiva's Devotees


# Dasha Dharma


1.         Dhṛti - Patience

2.         Kṣhamā - Forgiveness

3.         Damo - Calmness

4.         Asteyaṃ - Not coveting/ stealing

5.         Saucam - Cleanliness

6.         Indriyanigraha – Control of senses

7.         Dhīr – Righteous Action

8.         Vidya – Pursuit of knowledge

9.         Satyam - Truthfulness

10.       Akrodho – Control of anger

daśakaṃ dharmalakṣaṇam।।


We had seen the story of Sukeshi who went to the ashram of the sages in the Magadh forest and learnt many dharmic concepts. (https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/02/pious-asuras-and-worried-gods).

Amongst the many things he learnt from the sages, he got the knowledge of the ten basic principles of Dharma that is common to all people irrespective of their occupation (varnas).

Sharing some stories that talk about the virtue of patience.

Narada and the devotees

One day the sage Narada was going through the forest. He came across a man who was doing penance. The man seemed very pious and was in deep prayers.

Narada waited for him to finish his prayers. When the man saw the divine musician, he bowed and said, “My name is Pankaj. I am indeed blessed to have your darshan. Where are you going?”

Narada replied that he was going to Kailash to meet Lord Shiva. Pankaj was very pleased. He requested Narada with folded hands, “Can you please tell Lord Shiva that I am his ardent devotee?

Narada said, “I definitely will. I am sure Shiva will be pleased to hear about your bhakti.” Pankaj was not satisfied, “Great sage. Shiva being pleased in Kailash is not enough for me. I want to have his darshan. Please tell him that.”

Narada explained to that man that it is not that easy to see Shiva and people do Tapasya for many millennia and take many births before such an event can happen.

Pankaj was not to be discouraged. He tells Narada, “I do know that. I am a sincere devotee and I will continue my prayers. All I need to know is how many births I need to take before I see my Lord and attain moksha.”

Narada was amused but did not want to hurt the man’s feelings. He told the devotee, “Of course. I will ask Gangadhar (Shiva) how much more you need to worship him and whether you will see him in this birth or after a few.”

So promising, he left the place and went further into the forest. He saw another Shiva devotee dancing and singing and going around the Shivling. Narada was amused by his act and stopped to watch him for sometime.

The devotee says, “Sir, why are you standing? Come and sing and dance with me in praise of Lord Kailashnath.” Narada said, “Surely”. Saying this Narada also goes around the Shivling with the devotee singing bhajans.

After sometime, both of them stop and take some rest. The devotee asks Narada, “I am Kedar. You look like a divine being. Who are you and where are you off to?”

Narada replied, “My name is Narada. I am the son of Brahma. I am roaming around the cosmos singing the praise of Gods and visiting many worlds. Right now, I am on my way to Kailash to meet Lord Shiva and Devi Paravati”

Kedar said, “Oh how nice. Please do convey my pranams to Shiva and the Devi. I would like to see them sometime.”

Narada replied that Shiva will definitely be pleased to hear about this devotee. He then asks the devotee, “Do you want me to ask anything else from Shiva when I am at Kailash?”

Hearing this, Kedar replied, “If you can, please do check when I can have his darshan. I am happy to keep worshipping him like this, but would definitely like to see the Divine Lord sometime.”

Saying so, he went back to his singing and dancing routine. Narada left for Kailash.

After many years, Narada was back on the same route. He remembered both these devotees he met in the forest. Coming from the opposite side, he came Kedar first. He found him in the same happy state of prayers with song and dance.

Kedar looked at Narada and stopped his dancing and said, “Oh Sage. You are back. Did you go to Kailash? Did you see my Lord and the Devi?” Narada said, “Yes. I did. They are very pleased with your bhakti.”

Narada went onto add, “I also asked Shiva the question you asked. I asked when he will be ready to give you a darshan.”  Kedar eagerly looked at Narada and said, “Oh. What was the reply?”

Narada smiled and said, “Do you see this bilva tree above your shivling? Can you count the number of leaves on the tree?”

Kedar replied, “Yes, I can. But what has that got to do with my Shiva Darshan?” Narada replied, “Shivji said that you will have to take that many births as there are leaves on the bilva tree for him to give you a darshan.”

Kedar hugged Narada and laughed. “So simple. I can do that. It gives me that much time to pray to Shivji.” He went back to his singing and dancing routine.

Narada went further and found Pankaj who was going about his daily puja routine. Seeing Narada, Pankaj stopped his prayers and said, “Oh Sage. You are back. Did you meet Shiva? Did you ask him my question?”

Narada replied “I did. Shiva said that you will have to wait for another four births before he can give you a darshan.”

Pankaj was upset. “What did I do wrong that my Lord wants me to wait for so many births before giving a darshan. Doesn’t he see that I am a sincere devotee.” He was going on in this fashion.

While they were talking, they saw a bright light in the other side of the forest. It was the divine vehicle that had come to take Kedar the other devotee to Kailash.

Pankaj asked Narada, “What is that bright light?” Narda replied, “Like you, there is another devotee in the forest who wanted to have Shiva darshan. I had just now told him that he will have to wait for as many births as there are in the bilva tree above his Shivling. He was so happy when I told him that as he felt that he had so many more births to worship Shivji.”

Pankaj understood his mistake. He realised that devotion is not about just achieving something but about the ability to work towards that goal patiently. He just bowed to Narada and went back to his prayers.



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