Harishchandra and Varuna


Harishchandra and Varuna

Harishchandra is one of the most famous kings of the Suryavanshi dynasty. He is known for his steadfast adherence to the truth. But there is an incident in his life wherein he was forced to make a choice and perhaps made a choice that he was not proud of.

Who was Harishchandra? He was none other than the son of Satyavratha,  who was promised heaven while alive by Sage Vishwamitra. Satyavratha is more commonly known by the name Trishanku.(https://bharatiyastories.blogspot.com/2024/02/from-rajarishi-to-brahmarishi.html).

Succeeding a father who had a rather dramatic ascension to heaven, Harishchandra was ruling the country. He was well loved and known as a fair and just ruler. He had a beautiful wife by the name of Taramati. A good kingdom, peaceful citizens and a good wife – the king should have been a happy man. But alas, no. He was worried and unhappy as he did not have a male successor to take over the kingdom after him.

Many yagnas, many pujas were conducted to remedy the situation but to no avail. One day Sage Narad was visiting the kingdom. After paying him due respects, the king and his wife share their sorrow about not having a heir.

Narada says, “Looks like the land is barren. You need some rains. Pray to Varuna, the rain god. He can shower you the blessings of prosperity and a male child.”

From then on, both Harishchandra and Taramati were doing a Varunajapa every day. Eventually Varuna was pleased with Harishchandra’s prayers. He decides to bless him with a child.

He appears in front of Harishchandra and blesses him.

Harishchandra is overwhelmed. He prostrates in front of Varuna and states his desire. “Lord, by your grace, I have everything I need. A peaceful kingdom, dharmic citizens and a good household. But the main thing a human being needs as he grows old – the comfort of a younger generation that can take over from him – is missing in my life. I do not have a son. I pray that you grant me the boon of a son”

Varuna said “Harishchandra, I can give you the boon of a son on one condition. You should sacrifice that son to me.”

Harishchandra is shocked. He could not imagine having a son and then not having him. He did not know how to react. Varuna looked at him kindly and said, “I understand Harishchandra. It is not easy to give up something that you have desired for so long. But that is my condition. Unless you accept it, I am unable to accede to your request.”

Harishchandra is torn between his desire for a son and the fear that the son might be taken away from him. Finally, his desire gets the better of him. He thinks to himself “I don’t know what it is to have a son – the happiness, the emotions and the high. Even if I hold him in my hand only for a day, I can live with that memory. On the other hand, if I don’t have a child, I will never know what it is to be a father.”

He also thinks Varuna is testing him. “I am sure Lord Varuna cannot be that unkind. When my son is born, Varuna will see how much Tarmati and I love him. No God would like to unnecessarily bring unhappiness to their devotees. He is just seeing if I am firm in my wish. I am sure when the time comes, I can convince him to spare the life of my son.”

Harishchandra, thus chooses to see whatever he wanted to see in that situation. After sometime, he looks at Varuna and said, “Lord, you are kind and large hearted. I am just a helpless human. I just want to hold my child in my hand. If you want to take him from me after that, so be it. I will sacrifice my son.” So saying he bowed before Varuna and was blessed by him to have a son.

When the time came, Taramati delivered a beautiful baby boy. They named him Rohita. The king and the kingdom were rejoicing at the birth of the new prince. In his happiness, Harishchandra had completely forgotten his promise to Varuna.

Unfortunately for Harishchandra, Varuna did not forget the promise. He appeared before Harishchandra. After going through the blessing ritual he came straight to the point. “Harishchandra, I am happy that you got a son as you desired. I heard that you have named him Rohita. Now I have come to claim Rohita from you as you had promised.”

Harishchandra is shocked and unable to react. Many a time when an undesirable thing happens, we don’t want to accept it is happening. That’s called living in denial and that is exactly what Harishchandra was going through.

Harishchandra had hoped Varuna will not claim his son and if claimed, he will manage the God with some appeasement. He realised that Varuna was very serious about his demand. He did not know what to do. Suddenly an idea struck him.

He told Varuna, “Swami, as you know my child is still an infant and needs his mother. Moreover as per the scriptures, a child is considered impure for the first ten days after birth. Which is why our scriptures prescribe the purification ceremony to be done only on the eleventh day. How can I offer something impure to a Deva like you. So please come after the punyagavachanam (Purification) ceremony. Varuna agreed with Harishchandra’s logic. He told him, “Okay, I shall come in ten days to claim my sacrifice. Be prepared to give your son.”

Next ten days, Harishchandra is sleepless. He is trying ways and means to escape from his commitment to Varuna. The eleventh day dawned and with it came Varuna to claim his reward.

Harishchandra is ready now unlike the first time. He welcomes Varuna and offers him the ceremonial respect. Varuna thanks him and repeats his request, “Harishchandra, now the ten days are over. Hand over Rohita to me.” Harishchandra immediately responds, “I was going to my Lord. But then the scholars in my kingdom told me that the child has to grow teeth before it can be worth of participating in any ceremony. If it cannot participate in any ceremony, how can it be suitable as a sacrifice?”

Varuna again agrees that the logic given by Harishchandra is correct. He tells Harishchandra that he will appear after the child grows teeth.

After a year or so, Rohita grows a few milk teeth. And Varuna is back with his demand. Harishchandra now is ready with more logic and excuses. He says to Varuna, “Swami, I was expecting you. But then, Rohita only has milk teeth which is like borrowed teeth as it is temporary and will fall off. Please give time, till he grows his own teeth.”

A few years passed and Rohita grew permanent teeth and Varuna was back. This time Harishchandra tells him “My son is born in Kshatriya varna. It is his dharma to learn to defend himself and his kingdom. If I sacrifice him now without him getting that knowledge, it will be like sacrificing a half human and is disrespectful. Give me a few years. And I will make Rohita a warrior and you are free to take him with you.” Varuna went back empty handed.

After some years, Varuna again comes visiting Harishchandra. This time Rohita was nowhere to be seen. Now that he was a grow up young man, he heard about the pact between his father and Varuna at his birth. He did not want to be sacrificed to Varuna and hence escaped to the forest.

While roaming the forest, Rohita comes across the hermitage of Sage Ajigarta. He finds that the sage has three sons almost the same age as him. He gets an idea. He approaches the Sage Ajigarta and tells him, “Learned guru. My father had promised Varuna that he will sacrifice his son. I am the only son to my father and the protector of his kingdom. My parents also do not have anyone if I die. I want to offer Varuna another young man in my place so that my father’s vow is fulfilled in a fashion. I would like to request you for one of your sons who can be offered to Varuna in my place. My father is the king and I am sure he will compensate you for this noble sacrifice for the sake of the king and kingdom.”

Having boldly said this, Rohita is worried that the sage might curse him. Sage Ajigartha, who is learned but poor, is quiet for sometime. He went into his hut and discussed with his wife and sons. Rohita waited outside in suspense not knowing if he will get a solution or will be cursed.

Rohita heard the sage saying “I cannot sacrifice my eldest son, Shunahphuchha”. His wife said “And I cannot sacrifice Shunahlangula, him being my youngest.”

So by default the middle son, Shunahshepha was to be sacrificed as decided in an unspoken decision by the parents. He comes to Rohita and says  “Its me the middle son, Shunahshepha. You can sacrifice me to Varuna to fulfil your father’s promise.”

Rohita, Ajigara and Shunahshepha come towards Ayodhya. The entire city is waiting for their prince to return and are surprised to see another young man and an older sage accompanying their prince.

As they near the palace, Varuna appears in front of Rohita. “Come. You are mine. I have been looking for you.” Rohita stops him, “Wait holy one. I have got you a substitute in my place.” Varuna said, “I do not want a substitute.”

Rohita asks him, “What if the substitute is better than me? He is more learned, is sattvik by nature and is willing to sacrifice himself for his family. He is a brahmin.” Varuna stops to consider this. He says, “ Okay. I will accept your substitute.”

The ceremonial fire was started to do the sacrifice. Shunahshepha was tied to a post and purified. The brahmins in Harishchandra’s kingdom refused to kill another learned brahmin for fear of being cursed.

The proceedings had come to an awkward halt. Suddenly they heard Ajigarta saying, “I will do it. I will sacrifice my son. But you have to increase the amount that you are paying me” Harishchandra and Rohita are by now shocked but they agree to pay more.

Ajigarta raises the sword over Shunashepha’s head. Suddenly the sword crumbles and the rope that ties Shunashepha falls down. They hear an asireeri (celestial voice), “Harishchandra what are you doing? How can you let a learned brahmin be sacrified in your kingdom that too in the place of your son? It is not Ajigarta who is wielding the sword. He is just a slave to his poverty. It is you who is killing the boy personally with your blind love for your son. “

Harishchandra realizes his foolishness in trying to outsmart the Gods. He fell on his knees and wept for forgiveness. Varuna is now pacified and withdraws his demand for a sacrifice. He says, “No one needs to die. I take back my requirement for a sacrifice.” Saying so, he blesses the gathering and leaves.

One of the sages who refused to kill the boy now steps forward and blesses him. He tells Shunahshepha, “You were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of your father and family. You deserve a better life. I shall adopt you as my son. Since the gods themselves spared your life I shall call you Devarata from now on.”

The boy thanks him for the offer and says, “I cannot go back to my father as he as already offered me to someone. I am proud to accept a learned person like yourself as my father. What is your name, great sage?”

The Sage replied “Viswamitra”. And thus Devarata became the adopted son of Vishwamitra.

Harishchandra follows the sage and boy and falls at their feet. He begs forgiveness from the boy for putting his son before his word to someone. “Forgive me my son. I was a father rather than a king. I shall never ever do this mistake again of putting myself and my comfort before my word. Now the Gods and my ancestor the Sun God themselves are ashamed of my behaviour. This will never be repeated in my life.”

Sage Vishwamitra looks at Harishchandra and says “Never?”

Harishchandra repeats “never.”

Vishwamitra says “Let us see.” He leaves Ayodhya with Devarata.


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