# ShambhuNath De

 # Know your Heroes


Cholera was a killer disease killing millions for centuries. Definitive scientific evidence was arrived at about the disease only in the later part of the nineteenth century.


It was known known that the disease was caused by a strain of bacteria called the Vibrio cholerae, nothing was known as to how to control this disease and reduce its scourge.


In the 1950s Prof. Sambhu Nath De, coming out of the then prevailing thinking in the cholera scientific circle, blazed a new trail. This gave new insight about the aspects of the disease but also lead to the development of various types of preventive medicines and antibiotics.


From Hoogly, West Bengal, Prof. Shambu Nath De was the head of Pathology and Bacteriology division of the Calcutta Medical College. He discovered that cholera bacteria produces enterotoxin. This helped in the development of the suitable medicines.


De’s work on cholera was not noticed or recognised then but later on considered as a watershed moment in the history of the disease.


ShambuNath De was nominated for the Nobel Prize twice but did not receive it.


Like many unsung heroes in our society Prof.De’s work is neither known nor celebrated.


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