

# Know Your Dharma

Content Courtesy – Ganesh Kalyan #ganeshamarkalam


There is no mantra superior to Gayathri mantra, no fasting superior to Ekadasi. Ekadasi means fasting.

There are many stories and legends, mythological and scientific treatises on fasting on Ekadasi. Essentially Ekadasi means the day after the 10th (i.e. 11th day) of the lunar cycle repeated 2 weeks later, so twice a calendar month when we are advised to fast. Dedicated to Lord Vishnu these are also days ordained by Him for us to get closer to salvation.

When Vishnu observed people indulge in wrong doings, He created Yama Loga where after death they can atone for their deeds. Once during a visit, He saw great suffering of people for accumulated sins. As a compassionate God, Vishnu, decided to set aside two days a month when by observing fast people can clear their sinful account then and there.

In a way Ekadashi is like confession day that you spend your time in prayers. Not eating helps you focus on spirituality better. To fast on Ekadashi days is a very good decision.

Fasting on Ekadashi improves general health. Thoe who fast regularly, actually look forward to it. Almanac tells you when all the specific day occurs.

There are 24 Ekadashis in a year for the waxing and waning phase of the moon (Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha) Each Ekadashi has a name and a presiding deity. For example, in Phalguna Vedic lunar month (March - April) Govinda is deity, Ekadashis are called Utpanna and Amalaki.

Each of these 24 is associated with a tree, fruit and a specific ritual and prayer. We all know very well Vaikunda Ekadashi or Mokshada Ekadashi better than others. During the former we believe the innermost sanctum of Lord Vishnu’s abode is open for the devout.

Our lives are closely interwoven with planetary positions and movements. Sun is the Atmakaraka, the doer, manipulator and director of all living beings on this earth. Moon influences our minds. Since our body contains 80% water the lunar cycle affects us much the same way it affects the tides of our ocean. By fasting you are able to manage the adverse influence of moon on our mind.

The food we eat takes 3-4 days to get fully converted into energy and reach the brain. By fasting on 11thday of lunar cycle (both during the dark and bright days) you ensure on the 14/15th day when Full/New moon occurs your brain/mind is calm. It will generally not take hasty decisions driven by lunar activity. There is scientific evidence that regularly fasting people stand very little chance of getting cancer. It surely helps fight obesity. Body which craves for energy supplements during fasting uses up the excess fat stored.

The most difficult part about Ekadashi is fasting the true way. Ideally you skip eating and live on meagre liquid supplements. And devote your waking hours to matters that are satvik.


Fasting means fasting, period. We cannot define fasting as per our convenience. They permit diversions such as fruits. Eating heavy fruits such as bananas, mangoes, big apples, oranges interspersed with thick Horlicks, badam milk and milk shakes just means you are eating other things. It is not fasting.

For those who would like to start observing Ekadashi - be well prepared for failure, and setbacks. Stay determined to persevere, come what may. It will take a year of practice to fasting truly. By 2 pm you will feel you are trying to achieve the impossible. By 5 you would think you have managed the day until it strikes 8 pm. You will think of all food items, tiffin, and menu cards of famous restaurants you frequent appear before your eyes.

It will take another year to fast and pray like a true Ekadashi observing Brahmin. Believe me, when you reach there Vaikundam is open for you 24X7.


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